Gender, politics, culture, education, women in the military and about Argentina with Natasa Loizou

Podcaster: Mamma Mu podcast  During my last visit in Cyprus I had the enormous pleasure to meet and exchange ideas and opinions with Eleni Antoniou at her studio where she produces the Mamma Mu Podcast amongst other genius projects from a feminist perspective. During our profound debate we talked about diverse issues contrasting and comparing…

A Real-Life Supergirl

Author: Mariana Nicolaou Gold Magazine Cyprus Business News A few days ago, Mariana Nicolaou, a young journalist from @gold_magazine_imh , invited me for an interview, as she was interested to find out more about my experience and career development. I was delighted to share with her the path I constructed in the last 20 years,…

Violencia de género y armas

Author: Natasa Loizou Revista Atípica During my mandate as Executive Director of the National Agency of Controlled Materials in the Republic of Argentina, I developed an agenda of public policies that promoted the gender perspective throughout the organization and in the strategic and operational planning that developed the concrete actions implemented territorially. The sectorial gender…

6 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

Author: United Nations Office of Disarmament Within the framework of the international campaign “16 days of activism against gender violence”, I was selected by the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) @unitednations_oda, as a woman leader in the promotion of gender perspective public policies to represent the region of Latin America and the Caribbean….

El desarme voluntario como Política Pública del Estado

Author: Natasa Loizou Página 12 Se ha demostrado que el largo plazo de implementación de esta importante política pública de Desarme Voluntario, genera resultados positivos en la reducción del circulante de armas de fuego en la sociedad civil, impacta sobre la conciencia de la ciudadanía respecto a los riesgos del uso de armas de…